Britse vrouwen best presterende studenten bij accountancyexamens

De best presterende studenten bij de laatste accountancyexamens van het Britse Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) waren vrouwen. Dat is voor het eerst in de geschiedenis van het ICAEW.

ICAEW hoopt naar aanleiding van de hoge examenscores dat meer vrouwen zullen kiezen voor een carrière als registeraccountant.

ICAEW: ‘In November, over three quarters (77%) of top-scorers in ICAEW’s Advanced Level results were women. This time, 100% were female and will win prizes. The highest number of best-performing students came from PwC, with others coming from Deloitte, KPMG and Hagen Streiff Newton & Oshiro Accountants Ltd. This week, EY, KPMG and PwC were included in the The Times’ Top 50 Employers for Women 2015. This year, overall pass rates were consistently high with 92% of candidates passing Business Strategy and 87.1% of students passing Audit and Assurance papers.’

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